Black beauty magazine featuring the Good Boob Bible featuring British surgeon Mr Miles Berry

Black beauty magazine

Black beauty magazine, June 2013, Good Boob bible feature a book authored by Mr Miles G Berry and Mr Dai Davies Back to all publications & features

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Good Boob Bible book

Good Boob Bible

This book provides a wealth of information and brings together all of the relevant aspects of breast augmentation in an informative, readable, and current source of reference for prospective patients. Breast augmentation remains the most common cosmetic surgery operation on both sides of the Atlantic. Advances and improvements in both the…

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Good Boob Bible feature

Black Beauty Magazine, September 2013, Good Boob bible feature a book authored by Mr Miles G Berry and Mr Dai Davies Back to all publications & features

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Do you really need a plastic surgeon?

The Weekly News, February 2013, ‘Do you really need a plastic surgeon’ – Expert comments from Mr Miles G Berry Back to all publications & features

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